Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Monday (11/5) was the deadline for filing petitions for the primary. I have to say that the State Board of Elections is very well run and efficient. They had on hand the required forms, hole puncher, clips, and notaries public. The filing process itself was very easy and painless. The employees were helpful and friendly. Simply stated, I was very impressed.

I have been keeping an eye on their website (http://www.elections.il.gov/ElectionInformation/CandFilSOffice.aspx?id+21). On this page you can view not only who has filed, but who has requested to view or copy the petitions. On the deadline day Bean apparently had someone there to copy all the petitions. Someone by the name of Aaron Gordon requested and received copies of all petitions for the 8th district (except Bean's). Clearly she is worried, otherwise she'd never bother to pull primary petitions for other parties. It should be fun; I know for a fact that no challenge of Randi Scheurer's petitions will be successful. It would be stupid of her to challenge my petition or a Republican petition. Of course, I've never accused the Democrat establishment of having any intelligence.

Anyway, you heard it here first - Bean is afraid that she's going to lose and she's getting paranoid.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Marriage Proposal

Lets get politics out of marriage. The domestic partnership debate going on in legislatures around the world is based on governmental interference in religion. 

I propose that our government stop sanctioning marriages. Instead of getting a marriage license, you would go to the clerk and get a domestic partnership, no matter who you or your partner is. If you wish to have the word "marriage" attached to your relationship you would then go to the church of your choice to do so. Religious institutions would have the choice of what types of marriages they would sanction.

For those already married, nothing changes. For future, though, all committed couples would be treated equally in the eyes of the law.