The Green Party, however, slated me as their candidate for the general election in November. This is allowed in Illinois election law, and was done in accordance with the law. Now, the same Democrat stooge, Gregory Ferritto, has filed another objection with the Illinois Board of Elections. This was clearly done to harass me and take resources away from my campaign. Neither the party nor the individual has any honor.
Mr. Ferritto, if you do not hate democracy I call on you to apologize for your shameful actions. I am an honest working person, unlike the Democratic candidate for whom you sold your soul. I will actually have an impact on my job for me to take time off to fight it. I suspect you know this and don't care. Your candidate doesn't actually do her job except when there are campaign dollars involved. If you believe in a government of the people, by the people, and for the people you will go to Springfield and argue that I should be on the ballot in November. Of course, we know that you will not do this. You are not a man but a mouse. (my apologies to mice)