Wednesday, October 10, 2007


To date my posts have been based on current news. I'm going to take a departure this time to talk about H-1B visas. They get news attention from time to time, but not very recently. They are part of a much broader immigration debate.

H-1Bs, and immigration in general, are a huge topic and I'm hoping that you will weigh in on this topic in the comments. 

I have mixed feelings on this topic, but it is clear that there is abuse of the system. It's also clear that abuse is being aided and abetted by our leaders at taxpayer expense.

To start, a quote from George Bush's Secretary of Labor, Elaine Chao: "H-1B nondependent employers are not subject to the conditions, and their H-1B  workers may be hired even when a qualified U.S. worker wants the job, and a U.S. worker can be displaced from the job in favor of the foreign worker."

These visas were implemented for the purpose of allowing employers to find specialized workers when they were unable to find legal residents capable of doing the job. The United States government is now on record as telling employers to circumvent the rules and FIRE Americans in order to hire aliens.

Equal Employment Opportunity has various rules concerning how an employer must advertise a job. If you don't believe that many employers are spending money to violate those rules, check this out 

When discussing immigration keep this in mind; it's not just a question of crossing the Rio Grande illegally, we're also talking qualified U.S. workers being turfed out in favor of lower paid aliens. Those brought in at a cheaper salary will be required to return in a few years, never qualifying for a pension, and replaced with another foreign applicant.