Monday, September 17, 2007

How to make my last post relevant

I ended my last post stating that it was irrelevant. The reason I say that is we aren't going to fix any of the problems we're passionate about unless we can end the Republicrat duopoly. 

Although we can mostly agree on what our problems are, fixing those problems requires upsetting some people. There will always be someone who will disagree with a fix. That's no excuse, however for allowing poverty, war and environmental destruction to continue.

The ruling parties have managed to quash meaningful debate on most of the big issues, preferring to interfere in the life of Terry Schiavo and her family. That was, and is, a big issue for the family, but was a welcome distraction for Senators and Congressmen that don't want to chance upsetting a constituent through meaningful discussion. As long as trade unions and the Sierra Club continue to endorse Democrats because they aren't as bad as Republicans, and as long as right to life organizations and second amendment groups endorse Republicans for the same reason, neither party will feel the need to step out on a limb.

We need to begin NOW to put serious pressure on the parties. The only thing that will make them change is loss of power. It's time to open the debates and the ballots. It's time to vote third party and independent.